How and why BelThin was born

BelThin, founded in 2023 by friends with complementary skills, driven by a deep reflection on the challenges posed byoverweight and obesity, true scourges of our time against which the fight is essential.

Coming from the world of high-level sport, we found that our abundant diet had remained the same but our bodies were no longer stressed in the same way, leading to rapid and unwanted weight gain.

Faced with this observation, we embarked on in-depth research into the stomach and satiety mechanism. This gave rise to the innovative idea of the BelThin weight-loss belt, an "appetite suppressant" solution for natural weight loss, without effort, strict dieting or frustration.

After testing this approach on ourselves, as well as on our family and friends, the results were conclusive: we all managed to lose weight significantly. Our commitment now is to share this effective solution in order to help others live better in their bodies, naturally and without constraint.

The BelThin Mission

Our Mission is to help you lose weight naturally, effortlessly and without the usual constraints that often generate frustration. The BelThin "appetite suppressant" weight loss belt embodies this promise, backed by scientific tests demonstrating its effectiveness.

By exerting a light, controlled pressure on the stomach, thanks to an ingenious mechanism using an inflatable air pocket, the BelThin belt helps you reduce the feeling of hunger, leading you to consume less and lose weight naturally. The satiety effect occurs more quickly than with other methods, first physically during the first few uses, then more sustainably. The stomach and brain adjust their perceptions, resulting in a reduction in food requirements and regulation of appetite.

The BelThin Weight Loss Belt offers a solution for losing weight the natural way, without resorting to strict diets, surgery, experiencing pain, and above all, without exerting excessive effort. Our ultimate goal is to enable you to feel good about your body.

BelThin's objectives

The primary aim of the BelThin belt is natural weight loss, enabling you to find happiness in your body while requiring minimal effort. This unique approach allows the freedom to eat according to one's preferences, swithout constraints or draconian diets, to avoid frustration.

Then, the BelThin Belt expands its focus to include natural rebalancing of body weight, encouraging the adoption of a balanced diet and commitment to regular physical activity. The ultimate goal is to maintain the body's regained balance, thus promoting optimal health.

Finally, the BelThin belt represents much more than just a method for losing weight naturally. It is becoming an innovative lifestyle that merges pleasure and well-being, contributing to a better quality of life. This revolutionary approach redefines the notion of well-being by harmoniously integrating pleasure and health into a coherent whole.